Planet TV Studios Airing Latest Episode of New Frontiers Featuring Gough Surgical, PLLC – Airing on March 15th on Bloomberg. The content in the episode is a Planet TV Studios Original and it is brought to you by and sponsored by Planet TV Studios.
Planet TV Studios proudly serves as the exclusive sponsor of the New Frontiers series. Gough Surgical, PLLC in New Frontiers Episode March 15th on Bloomberg.
SCOTTSDALE, AZ, UNITED STATES, March 12, 2025 /EINPresswire.com/ -- New Frontiers, the signature documentary series from Planet TV Studios, returns with a rigorously detailed examination of the innovations that are reshaping the field of orthopedic surgery. In the next New Frontier's broadcast on Bloomberg Television, the series will air on Saturday, March 15th, 2025, from 5:00 pm ET to 5:30 pm ET—a window that promises not only a look into emerging technology but a measured analysis of its impact on patient care.
This installment, titled "New Frontiers: Highlighting Emerging Technologies", zeroes in on the pioneering work at Gough Surgical, PLLC. At its core is Dr. Brandon Gough, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon whose reputation is built on precision and an unyielding commitment to advancing surgical practice. Dr. Gough’s utilization of robotic-assisted techniques in hip and knee replacement, particularly through muscle-sparing methods and the innovative Direct Superior Approach, is not mere spectacle; it’s a demonstration of how technology can enhance recovery by minimizing trauma and expediting the return to mobility.
Gina Grad, a trusted storyteller with a diverse background in radio, television, and podcasting, returns as host. Known for her incisive contributions on The Adam Carolla Show, she brings a unique blend of clarity and gravitas that guides viewers through the technical nuances and practical benefits of these medical advancements. In addition to her broadcasting career, Grad is the author of My Extra Mom, a children’s book designed to help kids understand and cope with the dynamics of a blended family, further highlighting her talent for making complex ideas accessible.
In this episode, viewers are taken behind the scenes at Gough Surgical, PLLC, where the confluence of cutting-edge robotics and patient-centered care is transforming traditional surgical paradigms. The narrative goes beyond the operating room, spotlighting a team that is not only breaking new ground in procedural efficiency but also actively engaged in the global education of surgeons. As a board-certified member of the American Board of Orthopedic Surgeons and a proactive participant in the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, Dr. Gough’s influence extends internationally—propelling forward the standard of orthopedic care.
New Frontiers offers a rare, in-depth look at a sector where innovation is not an abstract ideal but a tangible force improving lives. With its balanced blend of technical detail and human interest, the program invites the discerning viewer to appreciate both the science and the art behind modern joint replacement surgeries.
The New Frontiers episodes are currently scheduled to air on national networks. Additionally, the series will be accessible on-demand through platforms such as Amazon, Vimeo, YouTube, Roku, Tumblr, X, Brighteon, Facebook, Rumble, Dailymotion, https://ReportWire.org, Newsbreak, and more.
For additional insights into Gough Surgical, PLLC, visit https://goughmd.com. To explore more about New Frontiers and the broader initiatives of Planet TV Studios, please visit https://planettvstudios.com or contact Christian Alain at (888) 210-4292 x100 or christian@planettvstudios.com.
Christian Kelch
Planet TV Studios
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