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Planet TV Studios / New Frontiers: The Future of Neurosurgery with South Carolina Spine Center & Dr. Michael Kilburn

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New Frontiers

Planet TV’s New Frontiers presents Dr. Michael Kilburn & South Carolina Spine Center’s highly advanced neurosurgery and cervical spine surgery, airing Q1 2025

GREENWOOD, SC, UNITED STATES, January 30, 2025 / -- Planet TV Studios is excited to announce a new episode of New Frontiers featuring South Carolina Spine Center and Michael Kilburn, M.D., set to air in the first quarter of 2025 on a national cable network. This episode takes a closer look at how bold leadership and relentless innovation are reshaping the landscape of neurosurgery and cervical spine surgery.

At the heart of this story is South Carolina Spine Center, a trailblazer in advanced medical care, and Dr. Michael Kilburn, whose unprecedented work in cervical spine surgery demonstrates the transformative power of expertise and ingenuity. Through this partnership, South Carolina Spine Center is not just pushing boundaries—it’s redefining them.

Dr. Kilburn’s contributions are a testament to what happens when technical mastery meets an unyielding commitment to patient well-being. His advancements in artificial disc replacement and minimally invasive surgical techniques are making complex procedures safer, more effective, and more accessible. Each innovation reflects a broader vision: to help patients live fuller, healthier lives.

“Progress happens when we challenge what’s possible,” said Christian Kelch, executive producer at Planet TV Studios. “Dr. Kilburn’s work at South Carolina Spine Center embodies this mindset, showing us how technology and compassion together can achieve extraordinary outcomes.”

This New Frontiers episode doesn’t just highlight cutting-edge medical advancements; it also showcases the cultural shift within healthcare. Dr. Kilburn and his team are shaping a future where care is both precise and deeply human, where each breakthrough sets the stage for even greater possibilities.

Planet TV Studios is proud to bring these stories to a national platform. With New Frontiers, the goal is not just to inform but to inspire—to spark curiosity and showcase the individuals and institutions driving meaningful change in their fields.

About Gina Grad

Planet TV Studios is thrilled to welcome back Gina Grad as the host for this episode. Renowned as a dynamic radio personality, author, and podcast host, Gina brings an engaging presence and a knack for storytelling that enriches every project she undertakes. Best known for her role on the Adam Carolla Show and her children’s book about blended families, My Extra Mom, Gina combines authenticity and expertise to shine a spotlight on the paradigm-shifting work featured in New Frontiers.

About Planet TV Studios

Planet TV Studios produces thought-provoking content that highlights business leaders, innovators, and the architects of tomorrow across a wide range of industries. Through New Frontiers, the company continues its mission to uncover and share the stories shaping the future of our world.

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Mark your calendar for the first or second quarter of 2025, and join us on Fox Business for an inspiring journey into the future of healthcare with South Carolina Spine Center and Dr. Michael Kilburn. Together, they’re not just meeting today’s challenges—they’re designing tomorrow’s solutions.

Christian Kelch
Planet TV Studios
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